DevLog V0.05

DevLog V0.05

Bug fixes:

-Fixed a bug where the numbers in the questions wouldn’t show up

-Fixed a bug where the mobileDeviceToggle doesn’t update probably in the pause menu

-Fixed a bug where the sliders for the music and SFX doesn’t show up probably


-Added some SFX Sounds, like a "correct Answer" Sound and more

-Finished the first Level and the entrance of the second level (the Playhouse)

-Added a Sound when the level is finished

-Added a Parallax Background that moves in the Main Menu and in the Settings

-Added a Credits Button in the Settings Menu in the Main Menu

-Added a Black Bar, so you can see everything on every Device


-Now the „Delete all progress“ Text under the Button has language support

Know issues:

-No displayed button to attack

Files Play in browser
77 days ago

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